On Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:44:55 -0500, Geoff Schultz
I'm in the process of Awlgripping my boomvang. I've got the boomvang
etched, undercoated and primed with #545 primer and was about to top coat
it with Awlcraft. However, I just discovered that my Awl-cat #2 spraying
converter is hardened up and all that I have is the #3 Brush Converter.
According to what I've read, Awl-Craft is a spray only material, and I get
a much better coat by spraying, so I really want to spray. However, a
pint of the converter is $50+, so I'm not keen on spending that and there's
no place around here to get the spray converter.
So, does anyone know what the difference is between the spraying converter
and the brushing converter? What happens if spray using the brushing
-- Geoff
You are correct, to get that glass like finish you need to spray
If you don't have anything but brush converter I'd try it. Mix up a
half cup and spray the wall.
I suspect that using the brush converter might make the paint a bit
more "liquid" so it flows easier and is more self leveling so if you
spray it might tend to run easier but it should still be controllable.
I'd go for it... carefully.
Bruce in Bangkok