"Vic Smith" wrote in message
On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 06:00:23 -0400, HK wrote:
Vic Smith wrote:
Heard this mentioned many times, but never did it.
Pretty good video.
Anybody here ever gig for flounder?
I like my fish crispy fried.
Flounder any good fried?
You're kidding, right? Flounder is one of the very best table fishes,
fried, baked, whatever. "Crispy," though, would be overdone for
flounder, in my opinion.
I have a friend in St. Augustine, FL, who gigs for flounder fairly
frequently inside Matanzas Inlet there. He's a giant guy, and looks like
Neptune with his three-tined fork. I tried it a couple of times, was
successful once.
I've only had flounder a few times. Always baked.
It is a mild fish, which I prefer.
Just never heard of fried flounder.
I don't care much for tricked out fish, like pompano baked with
almonds. My dad goes for that kind of thing.
By "crispy" I mean the breading, not the fish.
Never did the gigging but used to see the giggers when I was stationed in
Biloxi. Flounder is one of the better fish to eat. Here in the San
Francisco area, we seem to be having the Starry Flounder coming back. 40
years ago, you could fill a 5 gallon bucket in an afternoon of fishing. Now
get quite a few when bait fishing for sturgeon and striped bass. A little
oil in the pan and a little butter for more flavor. A very light dusting
with Italian bread crumbs, no egg wash, just sprinkle some on and lightly
fry and flip over and fry the other side. Until flakey. Same way I do Sand
Dabs, but I fillet the flounder and just scrub the skin of the 'dabs and
pull the skin off after cooking. Sand Dabs are like 6 oz flounder.