Great Economic News: Recession is Over!
On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 00:17:50 -0400, Wayne.B
If the economy is really so bad, I'd like to know who
these people are bidding up the price of housing to stratospheric
I think the economy is so bad, but everybody is not feeling the pinch.
How many jobs have been lost in the last few years? Certainly those
people who are out of work aren't bidding up the real estate. I think
the burden of this recession is being felt by the lower end of the
economic ladder. That's pretty normal I guess, but I don't think this
administration gives a hoot about those who are hurting.
In my business it has always been a game of musical chairs, good times
or bad. The guys who keep working are the ones looking down the road
several moves ahead, figuring out where to land next, and never
burning any bridges.
Mines about the same. I'm always surprised to be one of the ones