Great Economic News: Recession is Over!
"NOYB" wrote in message
Notice how the unemployment rate improved...people are so disheartened
they're giving up and not bothering to report.
The unemployment rate is determined by surveying households. The other
figure is determined by sampling certain businesses. If you sample
households, and the results tell you there were fewer people unemployed in
August than in July, then why do the businesses report a cut in payrolls
93,000? Simple...that survey ignores small business. Small business is
beginning to hire in pretty large numbers. If the surveyed businesses lay
off a net amount of 93,000 employees, but the unemployment rate falls,
that means these employees are being absorbed into the job market in small
businesses not accounted for in the original survey. "Unemployment rate"
the key figure...
"Small business is starting to hire in pretty large numbers" but since those
figures aren't tracked, you have no proof of your theory, right?
Then where do you get your information from and how do you know that it's
not people who've exhausted their unemployment benefits?