Corner reflectors
For work, I was thinking about corner refelctors for an unusual
wavelenght when the thread about boats in anchorages not beein visible
came back to me.
So...Not so useless idea #3435
Why dont boaters use reflectors like the ones on bicycles? Corner
reflectors refelct light back to the source regardless of its
direction (within reason). There is even corner reflector tape that
sorta works and I see it on life vests and such. Why not apply it to
your boat. Even better, why not have higher quality corner refelctor
arrays made especially to apply to the sides of your boat. They could
be inexpensively made to be stuck on. For those who think it would be
tacky looking, consider how classy your boat would look t-boned one
I'm gonna get some of that reflective tape and some bicycle reflectors
from Wal Mart and do some experimenting.