Corner reflectors
Parallax wrote:
I do not claim originality.
In that case I apologize. It seemed you were.
However, i see very little of this stuff
on boats and think it would be a good idea.
It's a great idea, some of us have already done it and others haven't. In some anchorages
I've seen about half the boats have reflective markings.
It isn't intended to
reflect ambiaent light but light from a spotlight shining toward you,
like the one on that tug pushing a barge and he doesnt know he is
waaaaaaaaaay out of the channel. Happened here a couple years ago.
Well made reflectors would not rust.
Sure, but they'd be more expensive. Besides, you can make numbers or letters with
reflective tape (which is not very expensive) so that it not only increases visibility but
identifies the boat too.
Fresh Breezes- Doug King