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Default Flotsam in the Strait!

(Parallax) wrote in message . com...
(Jim Hollenback) wrote in message ...
Steve ) wrote:

: I have considered rounding up a couple nice logs with my dingy and haul them
: out at the launch ramp. Cut them up for fire wood.. Some have warned me that
: I shouldn't do it..

Naw, go ahead. The salt won't screw up your stove to much :-)

Once saw a bail of "Square Grouper" washed up near Panacea, FL. Was
tempted to "salvage" except for the DEA chopper wandering around.

I know the feeling, I used to live outside of Tampa FL, and sometimes,
while tempting, you either have to watch for the DEA, OR the owner of
the bail. The owner has much better firepower!