Putting ballast to work
We sometimes go a week or two without shore power. How would you propose
keeping the batteries charged. The current technology for wind
generators and solar cells won't do it unless you covered the boat with
cells and put in a "farm" of generators.
Kelton s/v Isle Escape
Parallax wrote:
My sailboat has 3600 lbs of dead weight ballast. Seems like a real
waste to me.
So....Useless idea #3740
Make a boat with 60 lead acid batteries as ballast powering a high
efficiency 48 V motor. No diesel or gas, connect to shore power
overnight and you could have enough juice to go...........I dunno
Another story:
I have a friend who collects weird techno-surplus and sells it. He
bought several tons of lead bricks from a radioactive source
manufacturer that went out of business. Loaded it into the back of
his pickup and drove it to Tallahassee and parked on a hill. Of
course his parcking brake failed and the truck rolled about 10 feet
till it was stopped by a wall. There would have been no damage except
the entire load of lead bricks decided to slide through the cab. Not
sure what he told the insurance company.