A man from Maryland.......................................... .................................................. ......................................
On May 30, 9:37*am, HK wrote:
Richard Casady wrote:
On Sun, 24 May 2009 08:54:22 -0700 (PDT), GC Boater
We certainly would not want anyone to think that we were making light
of their mental abberations or their body contours.
It only matters how fat a poster is, if he brags about barefoot skiing
or running up ratlines. I can wish people would give it rest, but it
won't happen.
If you want to make a contribution towards your goal, don't interact
with "GC Boater." That particular p.o.s. has been in my bozo bin since
his second or third post.
Oh Krausie, Old Boy, how could that be? You recently replied directly
to one of my posts. A little slip, eh?