Don White wrote:
"Wizard of Woodstock" wrote in message
You know, I can understand - lackluster economy, people needing to
sell their stuff, good deals to be had and all that.
As you know, I've been thinking of selling my Ranger and I've had it
for sale for a couple of months - good price, four years left on the
engine warranty, I just updated the trailer, the bottom was redone,
new hard top on the T-top and the electronics all redone. I'm not
asking a lot of money for it either - $18,500 and everything is
included in the deal. And as anybody who has seen the boat can tell
you, it's in mint condition - almost showroom.
I have a couple of guys interested in it and one came over this
morning to look at it. Took him out on the local lake at the bottom of
the road, he's impressed. We came back and he's looking again - I'm
thinking hey, maybe he really wants it.
Offers me $9k for it cash.
I told him to pound sand and get the hell off my property. Ok, maybe
not exactly in those words, but the efffect was the same.
Get this - the guy says "hey, I can buy one in Georgia for that kind
of money." Well, I happen to know that the boat for sale in Georgia,
an exact sister ship to mine except for the engine, is listed for $22K
and the seller is holding firm - and his engine is older and out of
So I told him - well, go buy it then. I'm not interested.
Guy says - you have to sell it it, that's my best offer.
I say - Wrongo sport. I don't have to sell it, I want to sell it
because I want a bass boat and Mrs. Wave will not allow me to expand
the fleet beyond three boats I already own.
He says - Well, it's a standing offer.
I say - You're going to standing there for a long time then - probably
You have more patience than I do.
I'd make it clear to him that his offer is way too low..and if he persisted
after that, I'd take it as a personal insult that he would think of me as
that dumb or desperate.
Then I'd really let him know what I thought of him and his offer and
probably wouldn't sell to him even if he suddenly became more reasonable.
But you *are* dumb.