On Jun 6, 6:31*am, HK wrote:
Tim wrote:
On Jun 6, 6:19 am, Wizard of Woodstock wrote:
I kid you not.
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the
world, he’s sort of God..."
Evan Thomas - Newsweek.
This seems to be the general opinion of the Nutroots. Which is kind of
interesting when you think about it. All that laughing about those who
have faith and believe in a God and they were so jealous, they had to
go out and invent their own.
Amazing world we live in isn't it?
You knew it was coming, Tom.
Yeah, it makes great sense to worship an unseen "spirit guy in the sky"
who sets a bush on fire, impregnates earth women, allows the wholesale
slaughter of millions in wars, and permits little children to die of cancer.
Is that what Obama does? Supposedly to some, He is god...