"Wayne.B" wrote in message
We are just setting out on a cruise to the Abaco Islands in the
Bahamas. Anyone who would like to follow our track on the web can
find it he
http://share.findmespot.com/shared/f...fKADAn2Dkz os
Cool, it looks like he's making good progress. Since the winds in the area
are light and variable he must be motoring just like Skippy always does.
It looks like he's coming my way. It will be interesting to see if he takes
the Yacht Channel and proceeds out into Hawk Channel and the Straits of
Florida via the Channel Five bridge or if he heads up the Intracoastal
Waterway to Miami before jumping off to the Bahamas. This time of year, with
thunderstorms popping up everywhere most every morning and afternoon he'd
probably be better off motoring up the Intracoastal and waiting in Miami for
some rare, steady winds for the crossing.
But, if he's like Skippy he'll wait until a flat calm day and motor across
with sails flapping for show.
Wilbur Hubbard