Outdoor Propane Burner Recommendation?
HK wrote:
, HK wrote:
I have to buy (or rent, I guess) an outdoor propane burner for
up a bushel or two of blue crabs, clams, oysters, et cetera for our
annual seafood tent party.
Not to worry; none of them are invited. I've been considering renting a
yard tent this year, what with all the damned rain.
I am curious as to why you call it your annual seafood tent party, if
you haven't been using a tent. Would you call it a Crab Boil, a seafood
boil or even just a picnic, why a Seafood Tent Party? Is it because you
thought that some time in the future you might have to rent a tent
because it might rain?
Somehow, this sounds like a Lobster Boat to me.
Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq.
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