JustWaitAFrekinMinute! wrote:
On Jun 11, 1:36 pm, "Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq."
HK wrote:
I have to buy (or rent, I guess) an outdoor propane burner for steaming
up a bushel or two of blue crabs, clams, oysters, et cetera for our
annual seafood tent party.
In past years, I have steamed up the shellfish on our kitchen gas range,
using two big pots at a time, but I'd rather be outside with everyone
instead of being in the kitchen.
Any recommendations? I'll be using a 60-quart steamer a neighbor has.
Yes, if you use a 1 qt pot, it will be more than enough shellfish for
all of your friends. Now based upon the size of those fat stubby
fingers, you could eat the all the shellfish in a 60qt pot, but it would
be better for your health if you didn't.
Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq.
do you have something in your throat that caused that snerk?
Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq.
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