Outdoor Propane Burner Recommendation?
jps wrote:
On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 14:02:19 -0400, "Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq."
HK wrote:
, HK wrote:
I have to buy (or rent, I guess) an outdoor propane burner for
up a bushel or two of blue crabs, clams, oysters, et cetera for our
annual seafood tent party.
Not to worry; none of them are invited. I've been considering renting a
yard tent this year, what with all the damned rain.
I am curious as to why you call it your annual seafood tent party, if
you haven't been using a tent. Would you call it a Crab Boil, a seafood
boil or even just a picnic, why a Seafood Tent Party? Is it because you
thought that some time in the future you might have to rent a tent
because it might rain?
Somehow, this sounds like a Lobster Boat to me.
Do you have nothing better to do that buttsniff Harry?
It's what he lives for...
The modern GOP is little more than an army of moral absolutists led by a
gang of moral nihilists.