"Wayne.B" wrote in message

On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 22:35:15 -0500, Vic Smith
Refueling at Freeport?
Looks like you're on a track to there.
Believe it or not we may be able to do the entire cruise without
refueling, still have about 720 gallons left out of the original
thousand that we started with. That's not bad considering that we
were hot footing right along at over 10 knots for the first two days.
We'll be running slower now that we're across the Gulf Stream, through
customs, and in island hopping mode. At worst I'll get more fuel in
the Keys on the way home. Diesel is much less expensive in the US
than in the Bahamas. Everything here comes in on small supply boats.
But Freeport is a refinery town. Should be better price there.