Yo!! Eisboch!!
Tom Murphy wrote:
On Jun 14, 7:20 pm, HK wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"HK" wrote in message
No, you are conservatrash because you are behaving here like your buddy
You mean because I don't agree with you?
Because I think that you are often mean spirited and devoid of any
consideration for the feelings or opinions of others?
Is it because you enjoy using your knowledge and skill of writing to
denigrate and insult?
Is that why I am now conservatrash?
D'oh. I don't give a **** whether you or anyone else agrees with me or not.
Agreeing has nothing to do with it.
What does: your devolving into the same slime behavior as your BFF
Got it? Or do you need it explained again?
The modern GOP is little more than an army of moral absolutists led by a
gang of moral nihilists.
Harry, after reading quite a few threads here recently it's quite
obvious that you're the epitome of a bored, old troll whose sole
purpose here is to provide a source of entertainment for yourself.
Part of this "fun" involves finding avenues to gather personal
information on others - so that you can eventually use it "down the
road" by making personal insults and derogatory remarks when people
disagree with you during debates. You also like to use your knowledge
and interpretation of the English language to attempt to "manipulate"
and "play" others. Quite obvious.
Problem is - you don't realize that you are, in many cases,
intellectually outmatched by many subscribers to this newsgroup. It's
very obvious. I suspect you are too narrow-minded and think too
highly of yourself to come to this recognition on your own. They are
on to your "game" and to "you" and as a result, you end up making a
fool of yourself more often than not. You're not even in the same
league as some here.
For whatever it's worth, stop playing your current "game", climb off
your high-horse, stop looking down your nose at everyone and open your
mind a bit. You may actually find that you'll enjoy some discussions
and debates with a greater sense of interest and enthusiasm and more
importantly, earn a level of respect from others...which frankly,
appears you have very little of.
If you're smart, you also may be able to broaden your horizons a bit
by learning from other people's experiences and knowledge. If you're
not, you'll end up losing all the good people here that have a
tremendous amount of knowledge to share since they will wake up and
realize it's a waste of their time and conclude that the true cancer
in here is *you*.
If you're "way beyond" all of this, then continue with your bored, old
troll tactics for the rest of your life. You've been doing it now for
what? 10 plus years or so?
Got that? Or would you like it explained again?
I'll probably get a little hate mail for saying this, but .............
I've got to tell you, Tom, that, for a new contributor, you have Krausie
sized up pretty well. Anymore, he's just a play toy that we bang around
like a pinata. Unfortunately there are no prizes inside that empty old
dried up shell of a man.
The last of the more tolerant folks here have recently given up trying
to converse with him on an intelligent level. He has nothing left to
offer. He us a used up hack. The unions have certainly taken their toll
on him since the only spiel we here from him lately is union rhetoric
and cut and paste left wing blog messages.
Since you are new here Tom, you probably don't know that the worthless
POS named Krause is a draft dodging coward. Just thought I'd clue you in.