Will this work
On Jun 16, 8:19*am, HK wrote:
Katie Ohara wrote:
A friends kid just got in an auto accident because he was looking at
his cell phone. *So, lets think of ways to make cell phones not work
in cars.
Indium tin oxide is a transparent electrical conductor that can be
applied to glass by evaporation. *If we put it on the auto glass would
it block cell phone signals? *Yes, it would only be done on new cars.
Yes, you could always roll the window down and use the phone.
Oh, he was not hurt thank god.
Let's see...
You're driving along, another driver smashes into your car, he's
unconscious and your pinned...so you dial 911 from your
cell...whoops...you're still inside the car, so you can't...
Open the window.
You're a woman driving home late from the office on the freeway, and
your car stalls and stops adjacent to a neighborhood of sleezy white
thugs who can smell you two blocks away if you get out of the car. So,
you call for help from inside your car...whoops...you're still inside
the car, so you can't...
Open the window.
You're driving along a rural road with no shoulders, it is pouring, and
suddenly in front of you, a car careens off the road and smashes into a
tree. There's no way for you to pull over safely and get out to make a
call, but you can't call from inside your car because...Frogwatch's
indium tin oxide won't let you.
Open the window.
How many of these little scenarios do you want?
None, they are idiotic.