Will this work
"Loogypicker" wrote in message
Open the window.
How many of these little scenarios do you want?
None, they are idiotic.
Indium tin oxide coatings on windshields was tried by Ford a few years back
as a means of de-icing the windshield by passing current through the
conductive coating.
Wasn't one of Ford's better ideas and the concept was dropped. The coating
was too thick (in order to pass the necessary current) and was not
particularly transparent. It had a bronze look.
It is used on commercial aircraft windows for de-icing purposes and on
avionic displays to eliminate fogging and sheild from EMI.
Indium tin oxide also works much better on the mylar film used in
electrostatic speakers! Thin enough to do the job and totally transparent.
As for cell phones, rather than mandate more government design regulations,
why not enforce existing laws? If involved in an accident and it is proven
(easily done) that you were using a cell phone at the time, your insurance
company doesn't pay any claims and you are subject to prosecution.