On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 22:38:20 -0700, "Calif Bill"
"HK" wrote in message
Frog Breeches wrote:
Reginald P Smithers III, Esq. wrote:
It was a put down. It was blatant respect for him and the Military. It
wouldn't have mattered if he had said Senator the first time.
she was saying I'm the important subject here.
In the Senate, it is the Senators who are the important ones. There are
only 100 of them (99 at the moment); it is the most exclusive elected
official federal government club in this country. Generals are a dime a
Incompetant duds. They are our employees! They are not royalty. And with
an approval rating less than the former President's. You think they might
engage their brain.
Here's the problem: A year ago all those generals were working for
Bush, and they were implementing his policies. Therefore, the
Democrats had to treat them like ****, which they did.
Now we have the same generals implementing the same policies, for the
most part, and the Democrats *want* to treat them like ****. But, the
generals have a new top dog, who is also a Democrat. This puts the
Boxer's of the world in a hard place. They have to take their
satisfaction any way they can.
John H
I once shook hands with a pudgy guy who:
Sailed from San Francisco to Hawaii.
Rounded Cape Horn, twice.
Transited the Panama Canal.
Has owned more than 20 boats in his lifetime.
Sailed large boats competitively.
Has been hundreds of miles from land in a powerboat
under his command.
And who set a new record for the most distance covered
and most fish caught in the Chesapeake Bay in the shortest