On Jun 24, 4:48*pm, thunder wrote:
On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 11:41:30 -0400, Wizard of Woodstock wrote:
500 jobs lost because a President who smokes doesn't want anybody else
Do as I say, not as I do.
Interesting take. *The SCHIP tax may be federal, but *all* the smoking
bans are state issued. *As it now stands, 70% of the US population lives
under workplace smoking bans, most predated Obama's election. *
Considering smoking is the number one preventable killer, this is just
the beginning. *I wouldn't be buying any tobacco stocks.
As we all know, Dems do not pay taxes either. Taxes are for little
people, not the dem elites who want to run your lives. You get to pay
for them running your life. They refuse to pay their share.