HK wrote:
D.Duck wrote:
"Jim2424242" wrote in message
HK wrote:
Frogwatch wrote:
On Jun 24, 4:48 pm, thunder wrote:
On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 11:41:30 -0400, Wizard of Woodstock wrote:
500 jobs lost because a President who smokes doesn't want anybody
Do as I say, not as I do.
Interesting take. The SCHIP tax may be federal, but *all* the
bans are state issued. As it now stands, 70% of the US population
under workplace smoking bans, most predated Obama's election.
Considering smoking is the number one preventable killer, this is
the beginning. I wouldn't be buying any tobacco stocks.
As we all know, Dems do not pay taxes either. Taxes are for little
people, not the dem elites who want to run your lives. You get to pay
for them running your life. They refuse to pay their share.
My wife and I each paid more in federal income taxes last year than
you did.
You file your taxes separately too?
Sounds more like an arrangement of convenience than a marriage.
Amazing the incorrect conclusions the idiots around here reach.
Let's see...
My wife pays federal income taxes through employer withholding.
I pay federal income taxes through estimates and quarterly payments.
Each of us paid more in federal income taxes last year than floridajim.
Did I mention anything about which way we file? No.
Got it?
Your wife's income is posted on the site till 2006. Bast on her average
4% raises over the years, I can only guess at what she's making now. I
doubt that you make 1/4 what she makes based on the amount of time you
spend here and several other groups and cut and pasting from the rags
you read daily and doing housework and driving your boat around which
leaves little time to do work.