Jack wrote:
On Jun 25, 12:58 pm, Frogwatch wrote:
Last year my neighbor suddenly started ranting and foaming at the
mouth so much about Bush I thought she had been bitten by a rabid coon
but turns out she was just suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Turns out she is/was a serious Obamaphile singing his praises so much
I figgered she'd have his hope symbol tattooed across her back. She
is a state employee and faithful Dem so she figured her job was
secure. Dang if she didn't get laid off yesterday. No way Crist is
responsible cuz Crist is no Repub, he kinda pretends to be one but is
really a Dem who loves that "Stimulus" money. Seems local bureaucrats
would rather spend money on turtles than on people.
Same crap here in SC. Everyone up in arms about taking the stimulus
money to save teacher's jobs. Now the money is on the way and teacher
are being told not to come back, they're starting to wake up. The
money is used for pet projects and school expenditures that don't have
to be funded in future years. Those teacher jobs *have* to be funded
even after the federal money stops. It's part of the strings that are
attached. Sheeple are too stupid to understand that part of it, and
the MSM sure won't tell them.
Hope, change, nuance. Yeah, right.
Well, who really knows what happens in your pitiful redneck state, eh?
"Don't cry for me, Argentina..."