Sanford not ambitious enough
Frogwatch wrote:
Gov. Sanford had an affair, well, how bad is that? Is it the same as
buggering congressional aides as Barney Frank did. IS it on the same
level as killing a young woman as Kennedy did? is it the same as
hiding $60,000 of bribe money in your freezer as Jefferson did? Is it
the same as getting multiple BJs by an employee and then committing
perjury? Is it the same as embezzling $80 million as Obamas buddies
did in Sacramento? Is it the same as pardoning someone for tens of
millions in tax evasion who then contributes to your campaign (Rich
and Clinton).
The problem as I see it is that Repubs are not ambitious enough when
it comes to committing crime compared to Dems.
Are you really so ****ing stupid that you don't get it?
Sanford held himself up as a paragon of virtue and family values, and
demanded other politicans who cheated on their wives resign. He acted as
if he would never engage in an extramarital dalliance, that such was
beneath him.
It's the hypocrisy, typically the Republican hypocrisy, about sex. I
don't recall Barney Frank or Teddy Kennedy ever holding themselves up as
paragons of sexual fidelity. But Republicans do. It's the conservative
Republican fraud.
Got it now? Or are you still in the dark?