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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Any USED AIS Class A Transponders?

Michael Porter wrote in

"Steve Lusardi" wrote:

I bought a 1 year old Class A Simrad unit used as a demo unit for
marine shows on eBay for $1300. Please note, there are substantial
differences between Class A and Class B. One of which is the Class A
has its own internal GPS among many others.

"Geoff Schultz" wrote in message
Has anyone seen any used AIS class A transponders for sale? I do
enough off-shore sailing to want a class A instead of a class B.

-- Geoff

I have found that my class B (ACR) works fine offshore. The big guys
see me and I see them.

Class B transponders also have GPS built in.

Michael Porter

Michael Porter Marine Design
mporter at mp-marine dot com

You guys might want to read Panbo's information on AIS operation....


If a man goes way out into the woods all alone and says something,
is it still wrong, even though no woman hears him?