Gene Kearns wrote:
On Mon, 06 Jul 2009 21:34:44 -0700, jps penned the following well
considered thoughts to the readers of
|No such chance.
|The easy availability of hand guns made killing Steve McNair easy.
|Gun purchased one or two days prior without a waiting period through a
|private sale.
|Nice work NRA.
What rabid anti-gun folks don't quite comprehend is that homicidal
intent is not weapon dependent. I had to wait to get my Concealed
Carry Permit or alternatively, I would have to wait to get a gun. That
wouldn't help much if I had a festering homicidal intent.
If I were committed to the task... as it appears, other folks,
deprived of guns, and committed to the task seek other tools of the
And, yes, thank you, NRA.... I support you and your efforts to uphold
the American Constitution and the rights granted to us to hold and use
Please seek understanding in the truism that, "When guns are outlawed,
only outlaws will own guns...."
But there is also the truism that a great majority of gun crimes were
commited by criminals that got their guns from a legal, law abiding
owner in some fashion or another, be it theft, or whatever.