In article ,
Larry wrote:
Bruce in alaska wrote in
In article ,
"Steve Lusardi" wrote:
Thanks Larry, good research, but this now opens another pandora's
box. If you have a Ships Station license and your equipment is all
IMO approved equipment, even though your vessel size does not require
IMO/SOLAS compliance, will I now be subject to the periodic
inspection and recertification rules these compliances demand? My gut
feeling is yes. Steve
Ok, Here is the "Straight from the HORSE's Mouth, No ****, Poop" on
licensing AIS in the USA. I talked to the Wireless Rules Guy,
himself... AND.... Wait for it..... to be very frank, the term "Dufus"
comes to mind.
Larry is certainly CORRECT... someone back in FCC DC HQ is thinking
like a Bureaucrat, and not an Engineer, or Regulator....
1. AIS "IS" Covered by the Blanket US Waters Only VHF Marine
License.... so it MAY be fitted to any US Vessel, with or WITHOUT a
Ship Station License.
a. MMSI would be issued by Boats USA or one of the civilian MMSI
b. Callsign can be either, some Old Callsign that the vessel had
previously, OR, something you MAKE UP, yourself.... No ****... that is
what Mr. FCC said....
2. As a Transponder, it requires NO Operators License, the same as a
Marine SART. for Radar.
3. This is for ALL AIS Transponders, of Either Class, fitted aboard a
US Flagged, Documented, non-Documented, or State Registered or
unregistered Vessel.
I really can't believe, that this, is how it it is, BUT THAT IS, "WHAT
the Guy SAID".....
SO, untill things change, That is the State of AIS, in the USofA....
Good grief. Things at FCC have rotted much further away than I thought.
Ok, I'll just stand back and let them all have at it. Has this guy got
a name and number we can reference when the NALs are delivered to the PO
Boxes? "Yes, but Mr Rogers said.............and that's what we've been
operating under, his official statements, seeing as how the rules and
websites are so screwed up and unreadable." That might be helpful to
someone who's staring that NAL in the face requiring a reply "or else".
Well, it seems like there is a "SMALL" change in the FCC's Statement
about the Current Regulations for AIS fitted aboard "a US Flagged,
Documented, non-Documented, State Registered or unregistered Vessel"....
Mr FCC called "ME" back this morning, and on reflection, and
consultation, with others at HQ, his position "Now" is.....
1. b. Callsigns FOR non-Licensed Voluntary Equipped US Flagged Vessels.
The Callsign programed into the AIS, should be the Vessels NAME, the
same name that is in the NAME Frame on the AIS. MMSI would be issued to
that Vessel Name, by one of the civilian Registrars, and logged into
that Database.
So, at least they got that "Small" Ident Problem solved.... BUT the rest
is still.... well what it is.....
Bruce in alaska
Bruce (semiretired powderman & exFCC Field Inspector for Southeastern Alaska)
Bruce Gordon * Debora Gordon R.N. Bruce's Trading Post
P.O. Box EXI Excursion Inlet South
Juneau, Alaska 99850 Excursion Inlet, Alaska 99850