On Sat, 18 Jul 2009 17:27:24 -0500, thunder
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:15:01 -0600, Canuck57 wrote:
China owns the US....
I may not be happy with the exodus of jobs from here to there, but make
no mistake, China needs us, far more than we need them. China may become
the economic powerhouse, but before it does, it will have to address it's
institutional social issues. Or, do you really believe it's "blend" of
communism and capitalism will work in the long term?
Wait until this years mortgage crisis hits the news. The downturn has a
ways to go yet.
LOL, you should stop concentrating on the lagging indicators, and start
concentrating on the leading indicators. We are by no means out of the
woods, but the recovery started several months ago. By fall, it should
be clear to even the most obtuse.
Think I'll save these crystal ball predictions and we can look at them
again in November.
Although he's a dittybag, I'm putting my bet on Cannuck.
But I hope I lose.
My view is we can only go downhill without factory jobs which produce
the goods we use, and that the only thing that kept the economy alive
for the last dozen or so years was debt and the real estate and equity
bubbles. But it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.
Here's an interesting chart
Problem is I don't trust it, even if it means a damn thing.
Leads one to believe these are Jan, 2008 figures.
Looking for historical figures, I found this,
which leads one to believe they are 2005 figures.
Same numbers.
Geez, you mean I can't even trust the internets?
I give up.