3800 and GM
H the K wrote:
thunder wrote:
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:15:01 -0600, Canuck57 wrote:
China owns the US....
I may not be happy with the exodus of jobs from here to there, but
make no mistake, China needs us, far more than we need them. China
may become the economic powerhouse, but before it does, it will have
to address it's institutional social issues. Or, do you really
believe it's "blend" of communism and capitalism will work in the long
Wait until this years mortgage crisis hits the news. The downturn has a
ways to go yet.
LOL, you should stop concentrating on the lagging indicators, and
start concentrating on the leading indicators. We are by no means out
of the woods, but the recovery started several months ago. By fall,
it should be clear to even the most obtuse.
Canuck is one of the many conservatives hoping for failure. This
newsgroup is full of them. It's their only hope for election success in
the future.
The conservative vote will count in the next elections because they will
vote, but what will make the difference is those who were enthusiastic
obama supporters will not bother to vote for their local congressman.