Sober thoughts on health care
H the K wrote:
Eisboch wrote:
"thunder" wrote in message
It's also true that many hospitals go beyond the requirement, regardless
of the cost. Still, I wouldn't want to be in an emergency room without
insurance. Hell, even with insurance, a major sickness is a leading
cause of personal bankruptcy.
You've touched on the forbidden facet of health care.
At what point is someone's life worth destroying the lives of loved
ones by
putting them in hopeless debt or bankrupcy?
Why should a family have to go into hopeless debt or bankruptcy for
medical care for a loved one, so long as there is a chance of prolonging
some sort of reasonable life for someone already here?
Your real issue is not with access it is with cost. The solution is not
insurance but with addressing the reason that the cost of health care is
increasing at such a steep rate.
That's such an anti-life careful or the crazies will soon
be picketing outside your store, calling you an anti-lifer.
People fall down and hit there heads and die every day. It is noones
fault but there own.
Oh, wait...*they* only care about fetuses...once you're here, they don't
give a **** whether you live or die...
Right. Kill the innocent and let those guilty of killing others live.