Sober thoughts on health care
Captain Yogi of Woodstock wrote:
On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 21:14:10 -0400, Gene
It would seem to, but those taxes were enacted when the NC General
Assembly was stuffed full of fundie Baptists who successfully imposed
socially engineered behaviors on those less "of the body."
Tha'ts an amusing statement.
What are laws but social engineering? Would you say the same, or use
the same language, for, say Democracts who push Cap and Trade, seat
belt laws, laws against DUI - any law you care to name?
"Successfully imposed socially engineered behaviors" - honest to pete,
sometimes for a really smart guy who has a great deal of intellectual
curiosity, you have a very narrow view point. I would expect a
statement like that from Harry, but certainly not you.
Speaking of the narrow-minded, good morning, Tom-ster.