For everyone else...
H the K wrote:
I typically launch Yo Ho about a month earlier than you launch your
boat, and have the boat wrapped for the winter about mid-November, so in
terms of weather I find tolerable, our season is a month longer than
yours at both ends. In north Florida, I found that boating through maybe
mid December could be enjoyable, but fishing slowed way way down until
March, when the water started heating up a bit.
I have been using my boat since the first of May. I can't figure out
when you are using your boat, because when i look at your posting
history, you are posting all day and half the night.... everyday,
including when you are on vacation.
Why don't you post a photo of your hour meter and show us all the time
you spend boating.
Reginald P. Smithers III, Esq.
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