For everyone else...
Just Regigie wrote:
H the K wrote:
I typically launch Yo Ho about a month earlier than you launch your
boat, and have the boat wrapped for the winter about mid-November, so
in terms of weather I find tolerable, our season is a month longer
than yours at both ends. In north Florida, I found that boating
through maybe mid December could be enjoyable, but fishing slowed way
way down until March, when the water started heating up a bit.
I have been using my boat since the first of May. I can't figure out
when you are using your boat, because when i look at your posting
history, you are posting all day and half the night.... everyday,
including when you are on vacation.
Why don't you post a photo of your hour meter and show us all the time
you spend boating.
Now he will spend and hour looking at boats for one with more than 20
hours on it's meter so he can post it as his own.