Standard Horizon SL45 Knot Log Anomalies
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 5,275
Standard Horizon SL45 Knot Log Anomalies
wrote in :
On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 05:02:47 -0700 (PDT), cowelld
I have a SL45 installed in a sailboat and it has worked perfectly up
until I took the boat into salt water. At sea it indicates 0.0 but
back in fresh water it starts up again and works normally. Obviously
there's a short to ground in the sender although I don't think it has
a leak. Has anyone seen this effect? Either I'll have to go back into
salt to measure the current drain differences then paint the thing
with rubber to try and isolate it else buy another sender and hope
it's an isolated condition.
I think it far more likely the paddlewheel picked up some seaweed or
debris, and the salt/fresh correlation is just coincidence.
....or one of those little critters with 400 legs that bite like hell.
Noone will be safe until the last lawyer has been strangled by the entrails
of the last cleric.
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