A peach of a man...
jps wrote:
Another abuser of constituent's trust...
Anti-gay, pro-abstinence legislator had affair with intern
Posted By Raw Story On July 24, 2009 @ 9:57 am
A Republican state senator from Tennessee–who is married and the
father of two– has admitted to police that he had sex with a 22 year
old intern after her boyfriend [1] allegedly demanded money from the
legislator to not make public a video of the legislator and intern
having sex.
State Sen. Paul Stanley only recently sponsored legislation designed
to prohibit gay couples in his home state from ever adopting children.
He has also opposed family planning services, explaining that his
“faith and church” require him to “promote abstinence.” And Stanley
has run as a “pro-family” candidate in his campaigns for the Tennessee
State Senate.
The current Mrs. Stanley, Zachary Roth[1] points out at TPM Muckraker,
met her husband while “both were working for Bill First’s U.S. Senate
office Memphis.” At the time, the current Mrs. Stanley was working
as—you guessed it—an intern.
You must spend all of your time on the internet digging to find the
Republicans who have miss behaved.
I bet you supported clinton