No comment.
On Jul 28, 11:02*pm, nada wrote:
Tim wrote:
I mean, what can I say???
[For the delectation of arcane senses of humor -- Official IRS Campus
Procedures for having Hand Sanitizer dispensers refilled, distributed
by e-mail at work today. *I suspect one runs across very similar
things in the military. *Names and numbers have been edited out. *I
have no ideas what *"REFM"" stands for, though I suspect the "FM" part
is "Facilities Maintenance."]
By now you will have noticed that at various locations throughout the
Campus, there are wall mounted hand sanitizer dispensers. *In order
for REFM to keep the
dispensers supplied with the sanitizing lotion, we will need your
assistance in
identifying those that need refilling. *In the directions listed
below, you will see
the simple steps necessary to accomplish that. *You will also see the
events that
will take place with your ticket so that you know the entire process.
If you have any questions concerning the dispensers or refills, please
contact xxxxx xxxxx *at xxx-xxx-xxxx.
How to Order Wall Mounted and Stand Mounted *Hand Sanitizer Refills
· * * * *When a dispenser needs to be refilled, please submit an ERC/
OS Get Service Ticket using the subcategory - *?Supply Ordering
Program?, found under ?Other Services?, ?Purchasing & Supplies?, cycle
time is 2 days, but will be changed later to accommodate the purchase.
· * * * *In the description, indicate you are ordering a refill for
the wall mounted
or free standing hand sanitizer and give the location.
· * * * *ERC will assign the ticket to the appropriate REFM
What Happens Next;
· * * * *Upon receipt of the ticket, REFM will reassign the sanitizer
refill ticket
to a new Supply Ordering-Special Circumstance Category, designated as
an "REFM USE ONLY" sub-category, with a *10 day cycle time* in order
to allow for processing of the request.
· * * * *REFM will contact the customer and advise them that their
service request
has been received, the category changed and a new *10 day delivery
cycle time is in effect.
· * * * *REFM will purchase the refills and have the refill supplies
delivered to
the office address provided by the customer. *The customer will be
asked to install the refill, once it is received.
· * * * *Once the supplies are ordered the ticket will be closed by
Customers are encouraged to order their own desktop bottle hand
sanitizers and wipes using their own supply dollars and process as
needed. *These items are available for purchase through the Supply
Program BPA vendors.
Uh...huh! So that is where those Nigerian emails come from.