Boating Ham passing along knowledge to others.
Victor Poor has been boating for thirty years. He was a “Live-aboard”
for ten years, and a seasonal boater for the other 20 years. He and
his wife have done extensive long distance sailing including cruises
to Europe, the Caribbean, the east and west coasts of North America,
and Alaska.
Now, he will host a workshop for boaters about marine communications.
He will start with the basics of marine radio installation, moving
through wiring, battery maintenance, and including solar power. He
will cover VHF marine radio and the long distance single sideband
marine radios. In the second half of his presentation, he will also
discuss the method to send email while underway using radio, while out
of range of commercial internet providers.
Victor’s talk is titled “Marine Radio- Putting all the basics together
to communicate safely on the water.” This simple, yet insightful talk
will be held December 5, 2009 at the Manatee Civic Center in Palmetto
Florida. The two hour talk is part of a Radio Festival held there
every year on the first weekend in December. For workshop times,
complete Radio Festival details, and advance tickets for $7, go to
Topics in the first half of the workshop will apply to skills needed
to install ANY radio in a boat, and will include basic topics like:
• Choosing a location to mount the radio
• Choosing the right wire, connectors, fuses, and battery
• Routing the cabling
• Locating and mounting the antenna
• The difference between Marine VHF, Single Sideband, and other radio
Recently when talking about the necessity of having reliable
communications, Vic quoted the author of Mainers Guide to Single
Sideband Radio Frederick Graves: "The safety of your vessel and the
lives of those on board may depend on the proper use and functioning
of your marine radios." Vic agrees saying “It’s awfully lonely out
there when you need help and your radio won’t cooperate”.
Victor Poor was Vice President of Engineering for Frederick
Electronics, a manufacturer of telegraph and data transmission
systems, and also served as Executive Vice President and Chief
Technical Officer of Datapoint Corporation, a manufacturer of computer
Active in ham radio since 1950, Victor holds Amateur Radio call sign
W5SSM. He has served on two digital planning committees for the
national association for amateur radio- ARRL. As a published author he
was written about amateur digital modes and maritime operation.