Got a "Basic Radio Question"? Attend a work shop for under $10
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Will wrote:
Boating Ham passing along knowledge to others.
Victor Poor has been boating for thirty years. He was a ³Live-aboard²
for ten years, and a seasonal boater for the other 20 years. He and
his wife have done extensive long distance sailing including cruises
to Europe, the Caribbean, the east and west coasts of North America,
and Alaska.
Read the whole Blurb, and can't see ANYTHING that qualifies this guy to
lecture on Marine Radio Systems Design, Installation or Maintainance....
So he was CTO for Datapoint, (which were great computers in their day...
heck, I had one of the original "Cynthia" Drives on a Datapoint 1500,
and completed the "Cynthia Drive" School in San Antonio) where does that
qualify him in RF Design or Installation of Marine Radio Gear? So he
designed some Telegraph and Comm Gear, back in the day.. That still
doesn't mean he knows diddly, about LF/MF/HF Marine Radio Antenna
Systems Design and Installation. Does he posses a General RadioTelephone
License? Did he ever posses a 1st or 2nd Class RadioTelegraph License
with 6 Months Sea-time Endorsement? Does he posses a GMDSS Maintainer
License? Radar Endorsement on any of the forgoing? He may actually be a
qualified Sailor, and even a Ham of some repute, but again, that doesn't
qualify him to lecture on Maritime Radio Installation, and Antenna
Systems... It just means he "MAY" be an adequate Marine Radio Operator.
Heck, from what you posted the guy can't even WORK on his own Licensed
Marine Radio's.... If he is charging money for these lectures, someone
should run his ass in for fraud, and if he isn't, well you will get
exactly what you paid for it......
Me one who has ALL the above Licenses, and a few more, that are even
more obscure, and have been in the biz for 45 years.....