Thunderbird Boat question.
On Sat, 25 Jul 09, "pintlar" wrote:
I'm writing for a friend who owns a 1975, 21 foot, cathedral hulled, I/O (4
cyl. poss Chevie).
He runs the boat on a lake at 6400 feet asl. It will not 'come out of the
water', but it planes fine when two people are placed on the bow.
Is there an adjustment (stop) somewhere on the I/O drive, that limits how
far the propeller drive assembly can rotate forward?
in advance. . .thanks to 1 & all. . . charlie
What brand of outdrive does he have? Mercruiser?.... or OMC? If
it's an OMC, your choices are up or down. A Mercruiser might have
variable trim, just depends.
Did it just start acting like this recently? And has he recently moved
it up there from sea level? And has it been kept in the water or on a
trailer? Is the bottom clean? You've checked for bilge water, right?
We need a little more information please.