"Guru of Woodstock" wrote in message
I wonder if he's discussed this with BO?
Probably not - after all, BO promised tax relief for 95% of all
It's not like BO would...um...lie - right?
Liberals-dims promise a lot, then appolgise later. Amazing how voters
forget this and listen to snake-oil salemen like BO. Myopically blind as BO
says what people want to hear and skirts the truth like no other.
Governments are broke. They can't borrow money and have a huge fiscal
debt/deficit problem. So huge, they will not talk about it publically.
Government is in essense in a fiscal war with years of corrupt currency and
debt mismanagement and the pressures to correct the credit-debt junkie
attitude are mounting. Current DC would be like California issuing IOUs for
everything if it were not for the ability to "create fiat currency". This
creation will diminish wealth and cause inflation in time, inevitable at
this juncture.
In fact, between cities, counties, states and federal governments between
Canada and the USA there are many dozens in California's position of being
broke and in essense bankrupt. Raising taxes is what many will do,
especially those living beyond their means. Government has the same
debt-denial sickness as many families have.
The cardinal sin of government is cutbacks and live inside their means.
Right now governments are playing russian roulette. And as the game goes
on, the odds of survival dimish. If you play russian roulette long enough,
you will lose. Might even loose on round one.
The current "market" recovery is a false recovery, it is investors with the
wisdom that know holding lots of cash and lender side of bonds in an
inlfationary period is stupid money proposition. Any time the markets and
gold go up in lock step, inflation is looming as money tends to want to
avoid inflationary currency dilution.
GDP and unemployment are still going down. In fact, this fall I predict
will have even worse numbers as much of the north of USA and Canada is
getting a lower job lose as it is building season, which will not be true
from September to March.
I don't see a real recovery is possible until beyond 2011, and I define real
recovery as GDP growth is larger than inflation. Government wants us to
believe any GDP growth is the end, but if GDP grows by 1% and inflation is
10%, then in fact you are still in real value terms in a -9% recession.
Even though government BS says it is over.
Government is going to try to raise taxes any way it can and voters allow
them. In fact, they may even ignore votors such as they did with BO
(Bailout Obama) and the bank/GM bailout slush funds.
Welcome to the new NA world order, tax slavery.