Frogwatch wrote:
On Aug 2, 9:03 pm, H the K wrote:
Frogwatch wrote:
On Aug 2, 8:56 pm, Frogwatch wrote:
On Aug 2, 8:52 pm, H the K wrote:
Frogwatch wrote:
I think this entoire "issue" is nothing more'n a myth generated by
ignorant liberals (I know, that is redundant).
Well, there is plenty of evidence contrary to what you "think." I think
you really haven't investigated the issue, the whitey righties who are
promoting it, and what they really fear.
KOS is not a reliable source HK for what southerners think. Then
again, libs dont need no reliable sources, fantasy is much more
appealling to them.
I live my entire life among these peoiple who are both my friends and
relatives and have heard none of them express any interest in it. In
fact, the only person who has is a liberal lawyer from up north who
brought it up last week. Pure liberal ignorance.
Uh-huh. Of course, you are one of those white southern boys who cannot
stand the idea of a black man as president.
I always thought that you went:
1: Observation
2: Hypothesis
3: Experiment
4: Analysis
5: Conclusion
Instead libs have:
1: Conclusion
2: Rig some poll to show what they have concluded.
In the absence of any observation of what HK purports, there is no
reason for a study. I might as well conclude that all fat people hate
Bozama for being thin. This would make as much sense but as we all
know, reason is not a liberal strong point.
You have your head up your ass and therefore out of ignorance claim you
don't know any birthers. Well, that makes it easy for you. Are you a
creationist, too? I suspect a high coincidence of beliefs among
creationists and birthers.