On Tue, 04 Aug 2009 20:17:59 -0400, Yogi of Woodstock
On Tue, 04 Aug 2009 20:12:08 -0400, Little John
On Tue, 04 Aug 2009 19:53:43 -0400, Wizard of Woodstock
Some test graphics - I kind of like the font and drop shadow, but I
think it's a little strong. The blue is 3M reflective tape, the gold
is just drop shadow vinyl.
A little washed out because I was using the cell phone. What do you
think - the drop shadow a little too much?
I like all except the 'Sportfisherman'. It's too dark. Shadow it like
'Team Shortwave', but make the red a lot brighter. Right now it looks
like it got caught in a big spider web.
Um - the red graphics are on the console and came with the boat - I
was talking about the blue and gold.
What about the TSO vid? Is that a closed subject?
Oh - I'm sorry - really, I forgot all about it.
As soon as I get back, I'll send it off to you. I don't even know
where it is at the moment - my office is in disarray because of the
remodeling project.
Well, the red graphics, IMO, detract from the overall effect. It looks
like it should all go together. Maybe a little separation and some
bigger lettering would help. The blue with the shadow looks good up
close, but from a distance the shadow shows very little. Have you
considered a red shadow to match the lettering above?
Also, I'd consider putting 'Team Shortwave' on one line, about where
the word 'Shortwave' is now. It would stand out better.
Hell, I'd take the '200C Sportfisherman' off the damn boat. You could
always spend ten dollars for some more lettering when and if you sell
the boat. Then you could go crazy with the 'Team Sportfishing'!
John H