That damned Clinton
it's me, Jim wrote:
H the K wrote:
BAR wrote:
H the K wrote:
BAR wrote:
H the K wrote:
BAR wrote:
H the K wrote:
BAR wrote:
H the K wrote:
BAR wrote:
NotNow wrote:
That no good dirty, nasty liberal ******* went to North
Korea, and used that damned namby-pamby liberal bull****
called diplomacy and got those journalists released.
Clinton was used.
Clinton got the young ladies out of North Korea. That's what
Where was your president, you know...Dubya...drunk?
What did Obama do to get them out? Absolutely nothing!
How would you know that?
Enlighten me.
Enlightening you would be a Sisyphean task.
Your grasp of politics as played, yes played, on the world stage is
staggeringly light.
This from a dummy who joined the marines instead of going to college?
It sucks when a guy you believe is dumber than you actually knows
more about the world than you do, isn't it Harry?
And it is Marines with a capital M.
A. If you are referring to yourself, I've not seen anything to
substantiate your claim.
B. Sorry, but "capital M" doesn't pass my who gives a **** test.
It is marines.
Well then Krausie, I guess that makes you a capital t Turd capital b
Blossom of the highest magnitude. I'll bet you don't talk like this down
at the union hall. The boys would lay you out cold. Id also bet that if
they knew you were a pussy draft dodger, they'd lay you out for that too.
Harry has a crinkled up 40 odd year old note from the draft board saying
that he has flat feet.