DIY Shrink Wrap
Beware that shrink wrap will loosen / lift any topside paint if the
cover is not WELL ventilated. Every place that the cover touches
paint will cause the moisture to penetrate the paint and lift it ....
no matter what brand of topside paint ..... they all lift under very
high humidity conditions.
Have the teeshirt .......
In article iv3wb.214573$9E1.1145933@attbi_s52, Derek Rowell
A friend and I are thinking of investing in the Dr. Shrink kit and shrink
wrapping our Pearson 422's ourselves. (We have both been quoted $800 for the
job at our two yards. It seems that we can do it for MUCH less than that
ourselves.) I've seen demos and watched them do it at the yard and it
doesn't seem to be "rocket science".
One question I have is how to reach up to the top of the ridge pole with the
heater at the beamy part of the boat?
Does anybody have recommendations for/against??