BAR wrote:
H the K wrote:
Keith Nuttle wrote:
H the K wrote:
JustWait wrote:
My dad pays over 300 a month... But he doesn't pay for anything
else at all... He has all the bells and whistles.
So, JustWaitaFreak favors federal health care programs that provide
the bells and whistles.
No under obamacare he will have to pay a tax on all of the parts of
his health plan the government considers excessive. Yet the are not
limiting the health care insurance that a person can but!
Uh, under a federal program, JustHate may have something he doesn't
have care insurance that actually covers his health care
How about everyone pay for what they use. And stop suing doctors because
your genetics are all screwed up, blame your parents.
Your side's ranks are full of fools who bite their noses to spite
their faces. Your boy JustHate is one of these. He is one of those
millions of Americans who will directly benefit from health care
insurance reform.
How about tort reform first.
Tort reform is not going to provide justhate with the health care he needs.