A true clunker
"thunder" wrote in message
On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 16:24:21 -0400, gfretwell wrote:
There seems to be a lot of glee for a plan that sold Japanese cars 80%
of the time. Exactly who were we bailing out?
I'm not enthralled with the program, but I can't be too critical of
things that were done when we were facing "the greatest financial
situation since the Great Depression". One year later, I don't hear that
kind of talk, so, I guess, they did something right.
You may not be hearing it, but that is just the present administration
covering their ass. Unemployment is still increasing, there is all that
borrowed money to payback. Foreclosures are increasing and now it is not
the sub-prime loans, it is those that have lost their jobs and can not make
the payments.