Lefty violence
On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 15:57:26 -0700, "Calif Bill"
"jps" wrote in message
.. .
On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 12:48:50 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch
On Aug 20, 2:22 pm, "Don White" wrote:
"Frogwatch" wrote in message
Jones described himself as a marxist and his cult was very leftist.
Guns, no, not for me, not my kind of thing. I have no objection to
them but they do not interest me at all. I prefer bigger bangs.
uh huh!
Good Lord, at least read Wiki. Jones was a member of the Communist
Party and thought Mao was not far enough left and was mad at Kruschev
for denouncing Stalin. In Jonestown, he claimed their community "was
practicing the most pure form of communism".
The Children were killed first. Do you really think kids can make the
decision to die? Guards with guns were used to enforce the drinking
of the kool aide, sounds about as willing as Americans over ObamaCare.
77% of the American population favor a public option.
You're wallowing in the 20 percentile, again.
There is a public option and a government take over. 2 totally separate
The "Fear Factor" version of Gov't takeover isn't on the plate. But
that doesn't stop you chicken littles from running around screaming
about the sky falling.