Lefty violence
On Aug 20, 12:34*pm, jps wrote:
On Thu, 20 Aug 2009 10:13:53 -0700 (PDT), Frogwatch
Somebody a few days ago tried to make the case that righties have a
monopoly on political violence in US society, Uh..............NO.
Oswald, Mckinley, Two kennedies all assasinated by lefties. *Oh yeah,
Squeeky the Manson follower who shot at (was it Ford?). What about all
the violence by the Weathermen, the SLA, and numerous other political
murders by the left? *As far as mass murder goes, we have Jim Jones
and his lefty cult killing over 900 Americans and a US rep. *McVeigh
did not come anywhere close to that.
Then we have Ayers and followers who conspired to kill 20 million US
citizens in concentration camps they would build in the SW.
Whenever lefties make plans, it always comes down to "it didn't work
last time because we didn't kill enough people". *The history of
leftism in this world is a history of mass murder on scales that makes
the nazis seem to be amateurs
Are you trolling or just insane?
If Jim Jones was a lefty, then Charles Manson was a Republican.
Jim Jones' followers, although brainwashed, *were willing participants
in a cult, just like the wacos in Waco. *
I believe you are describing Janet Reno and her coven quite well.