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Evan Gatehouse
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Default Fuel transfer/polishing pump

"Doug Dotson" wrote in message
I am designing a fuel polishing and transfer system. My thought


polish fuel in place as well. The problem comes with the selection
of a pump. I was looking at a Groco or Jabsco pump which seems
good for transfer purposes, but way exceeds the flowrate of the
filter when polishing. A Walbro fuel pump (which I have as a priming
pump now) seems like a good fit for polishing (33 GPH) but will be slow
when just transferring fuel. What happens when a 5.5 GPM pump
(Jabsco) is pushing fuel through a filter rated at 60 GPH (RACOR 500)?

Probably nothing much will happen to the filter - as you increase the flow
through the filter, the resistance increases. The increased resistance
reduces the output of the pump (5.5 GPM is probably with no resistance). At
some point you'll reach an equilibrium condition where the increased
resistance of the filter meets the fuel pump's output curve.

You could talk to Racor (now owned by Parker I think) about exceeding the
rated flow rates and see if they have a contrary opinion. Perhaps the
filtering action is impeeded by the higher flow rate. You could also
install a gate valve in the system to throttle the pump output. You could
check the pump output by pumping into a temporary container and measuring
the output.

Whatever brand of pump you get, make sure it is rated for pumping fuel.

Evan Gatehouse

you'll have to rewrite my email address to get to me
ceilydh AT 3web dot net
(fools the spammers)