The Kennedy Legacy
On Aug 27, 11:29*am, H the K wrote:
wf3h wrote:
On Aug 27, 11:18 am, Frogwatch wrote:
On Aug 27, 11:08 am, wf3h wrote:
On Aug 27, 10:44 am, Frogwatch wrote:
Liberals made a pact with the devil after Chappaquidick, they'd allow
any level of personal failings, including murder, rape, abuse of
women, anything as long as the person voted the right way. *Thus,
Kennedy and his friends were encouraged to continue preying on women
guess 'froggie' hasn't *heard about gov sanford of SC and rep. vitner
of LA...
and otherwise abusing their power as long as they voted "correctly".
It was this agreement that allowed Clinton to get away with his
abusing women and taking sexual advantage of employees. *Of course,
this agreement did not extend to Repubs where they lynched Clarence
Thomas over a mild joke about a pubic hair on a coke can and with Bob
Packwood hounded from office over a diary he kept or Larry Craig who
just wanted a BJ. *In the minds of Libs, Craig wanting *BJ is a major
crime whereas murder and rape are forgivable if one votes correctly.
guess he forgot that it was rednecks who made a big issue out of
publicizing the sanctity of their private morality...except that they
expect a pass when they fail
oh one ever said rednecks are logical
OMG, Sanford had a consensual affair with a grown woman, that is SO
much worse than murder, rape and sexual assault.-
well... no
he stole public funds to finance his jaunts. he's the executive
officer of a state and was AWOL. he abandoned his public office for a
sordid affair paid for with taxpayer fundds.
so it appears you have a double standard.
And I heard he was the father of both of the Palin babies. * :)
AWOL, my god, so much worse than murder, rape and sexual assault.